Fourth Grade 2021-2022 Curriculum for Boys | Classical Charlotte Mason Homeschool in Minnesota

4th Grade Curriculum choices for our 2021-2022 School Year here at Wildwood Homeschool: A Classical Education with Charlotte Mason.

In this post, I want to share what we used for our first born fourth grade son, but I haven't, and it is bothering me that we are beyond this year, and I didnt post this draft. So, I would rather post it incomplete than come back to find I never made a fourth grade entry. 


Group Time Enrichment with Poetry, Art + Music, History, Science, Read Alouds





and the Other things I can think of

Fourth Grade

He did a heavier load of daily work, which I am seeing grows with the kids and their capabilities. The expectation is greater for independent work, and more of a work load. 

Latin: Latina Christiana With weekly dvd lesson, and student workbook. We drilled together s9metimes with flashcards, sometimes listening along with the audio cd in the car. 

Maths: Rod and Staff Arithmetic 4

Handwriting, I expected that he continued to work in his  New American Cursive book from last year, and he also did some Copywork in print or cursive once a week or more. 

Spelling Workout Level D

Literarture: Memoria Press Lit Student Comprehension guides
-Cricket in Times Square
-Homer Price
-Dangerous Journey

States and Capitals workbook from Memoria Press, with the book "Don't Know Much About the 50 States"

History: Story of the World, Vol. 4

Nature Journal

What's in the Bible with Buck Denver videos

The Wonderful World of Science with Dr. Schniffenhousen videos


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