Know His Word | On Growing Up, and a New Year

Well, I have to face reality. Our boys are going to grow up. Too fast. All of 2013, I had a motto of "Be Present." It's actually the first time I have EVER set a Resolution for the New Year, and stuck with it. I lived by it. God has proven over and over again His faithfulness to me, my husband, and our family. Whenever we are weak, He makes us stronger. When we fall down, He picks us up. I was starting to get bogged down in keeping track of everything in life. I was trying so hard to document milestones, capture photos of the moment, do "this" by a certain time, work on being better... well. It ended up consuming me more than just BEING in the moment. I have had to force myself to set the camera down, slow down with the moment, and get in it before it passes me by. My personality is a busy one. I like to do things. I like to have fun and enjoy life! But, I was certainly not doing that very well if I was so busy making life "good" that I wasn't really living it. So, God has shown me so many things. In being present, I am able to see His goodness. I see His mercy. I see His holiness. I see His love. I see HIM in a whole new way. God is the giver, healer, guide, friend, father, shepherd, door, light, shelter, strength and so much more! I know this with faith. I trust in His Saving Grace a whole lot, and It only magnifies Itself when I take the time to see it.

I thank Him for helping me BE PRESENT in 2013, and pray that I will stick to this for the rest of my life! It is SOOOOO good.

So, I am a photographer. It's my business, and my hobby, and it brings me a smile. It gives me something that I enjoy, and am good at. I find strengths and weaknesses in my abilities, but I'm pressing on to be better at it with each click of the shutter.
I love love love that I get to use the world's most adorable little kastenboys as my models, whenever I want :)

Praise God for Cody and Jesse!!! I love taking their pictures!!!

I have learned to grab my camera When I CAN! and leave it behind when I can't. I am so much better at snapping a few shots of the place, the event, or the people, and setting the camera down. I will enjoy looking back on the pictures, and still can be present in the moment. Wahoo!

Now, I want to live through 2014 with a couple mottos. I'm going to stick with "Be Present" and add a new mantra: Know His Word.

By working on Knowing His Word more, I want to dig into studies of the Bible. I want  to ask more questions. I want to be challenged in my faith through my knowledge of the WORD. I want to read the Bible MORE! I want to memorize scripture regularly. I want to pray through what I'm reading in the Bible. I want to KNOW HIS WORD. I'm tired of feeling like: "it says _____ somewhere in the Bible, so... " I want to know what and where it says it. I want to remember it in everything. The Word is Truth, and I want it with me every moment that I'm in.


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