6 Months Old

Cody is a little bundle of ENERGY! He is very active, very cute, and very crazy. We have been starting to "childproof" the house little by little, because Cody scoots places, chews on anything that is within reach, and can sit up and pull himself to standing if whatever he's pulling on doesn't topple over onto him first. We are glad he eats baby food now. I've been mashing avocados, which are his favorite, and I freeze them. {more on that in a separate post} he eats about two cubes of avocado or squash, or applesauce for a "meal" once a day in addition to still eating around 6, 9, 12, 3, 6, and 7:30pm :) He's on a little bit of a schedule for naps, taking two,, sometimes three a day, depending on the car rides. And He's got the tiniest bit of a tooth poking through on his bottom middle. WOW. he is growing up.

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The Adamack's said…
He's growing up so fast!! I LOVE these photos
theKastenpup said…
I know!! He gets more mobile and stable by the hour!!

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