Our Day and Week at a glance | Homeschooling
Yearly Homeschool Schedule
With a First Grader, Pre-K, Toddler, and Newborn... This is what our days look like with our three boys and a girl at home.We are shooting for a July/Aug to March/April school year. Now, this is because I've watched our family the last few years, and ALLLL we want to do when the snow is melting in the early spring is get outside. Explore. So, we still can "do school" from Sept through to May or June like "normal" schedules, but I want to TRY to just be done before then. Plus, it's so hot and exhausting by the time July heat and humidity rolls around that we're done weeding, working in the yard, and ready to stay in the cool house for a few hours every day anyway, so this year, it made sense to get started.
This year, 2017-2018, we started school August 1.
Most school calendars account for 32 to 36 weeks of school. I don't have a state requirement yet that makes us do a certain number of school days per year, or even number of hours, so we are flying by the seats of our pants, following what others tend to do.Monday-Thursday, we follow a loose plan. And some Fridays.
We basically just try to hit these three points
•Morning High Five (five things to start the day on the right foot: See below, for more on this)
•Morning Time (sing the Doxology, bible story, story of the world history or weekly read aloud, bible memory, skip counting, sing ABCs)
•School Lessons (Recitation, Copybook, Math, Spelling, Reading/Phonics, Read to Me)
A Happy Household Helper. |
Morning High Five
1. Make bed2. Get dressed & put pj's away
3. Eat breakfast
4. Brush hair & teeth
5. Happy household helpers
For Morning High Five, we got the idea from A Nest Full of Squishers blog . She shares this great free printable, too! So please head over to that site and read about Morning High Fives :)

It doesn't take more than ten or fifteen minutes to do something helpful. My rule is that the Happy Household Helper thing should be outside of their standard chores (like tidying up their own toys in there room, or clearing their own meals or putting their dirty clothes away...) It should be something in a common place. To do this happily as a helpful household duty is a blessing to the whole family. "Clean the kitchen floors" "Vacuum the rugs"... Those are the kinds of things that the kids know I expect from their happy household helpers time. We trained them in on it, and now it's easy. I throw a few options/ideas out there. I might say, "who wants to do this, this or this" and when I list three things, those three hustle to the one they'd rather do.

It doesn't take more than ten or fifteen minutes to do something helpful. My rule is that the Happy Household Helper thing should be outside of their standard chores (like tidying up their own toys in there room, or clearing their own meals or putting their dirty clothes away...) It should be something in a common place. To do this happily as a helpful household duty is a blessing to the whole family. "Clean the kitchen floors" "Vacuum the rugs"... Those are the kinds of things that the kids know I expect from their happy household helpers time. We trained them in on it, and now it's easy. I throw a few options/ideas out there. I might say, "who wants to do this, this or this" and when I list three things, those three hustle to the one they'd rather do.
typical break from the heat.
Codeman, doing some K Math with the Math-U-See blocks and other flashcards |
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