Super Why! | days of toddlerhood

Cody has his first hero: Wyatt, who turns into Super Why, from the PBS Kids show, "Super Why!" 

It is funny to ask him who he is or what he is doing now because he wants to be someone else! How fun, this new stage of childhood, where he is doing imaginative play! He flys around with his arms spread and says he super flies. Everything seems to be super-something. We read a super-book yesterday, and today he was taking a super-jump from the bench. Now, let's hope he is taking a super-nap ;)

While in the store, we passed a new milestone: picking out his own cereal. We were strolling through the cereal aisle--he was in the cart--like any other time, and all of a sudden he pointed at the Alpha-bits box and said, "ta-ah super why soodoo, mommy." (Which translates closely to Cody's Super Why cereal, mommy) SAY WHAT?! Our son can identify characters and ask for his own cereal now? Oh no. We did not just go there. But yet, we did. I said, "No, Codeman, we aren't going to buy that, we are going to he some good cereal." We'll, he said "Please soodoo, Mama?" So I checked out the box, and they are affordable and higher in nutritional value and lower in sugar than a lot of cereals. So now we have Super Why Cereal too! 


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