Deeply Rooted | Encouraging Christian Moms + Wives
I'm excited! I just stumbled across this really great, pretty (and I mean very lovely) and uplifting magazine & website:
Excerpt from their website:
Our goal is to be more than just a magazine. We desire to be a ministry. We are in the process of applying for non-profit status so that all donations can become tax deductible and so that we can get “Deeply Rooted Magazine” on the screens and in the hands of as many women as possible. In addition to the magazine, we envision someday hosting conferences and webinars. We are not sure where God will take this ministry but we have high hopes for what He would have it become.
Check out the website for a giveaway that is going on, too. The original post says thru 11/27, but they extended it through 12/1/2013! It's a dashing set of postcards that are hand-lettered. They are beautiful!
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