Third Grade 2020-2021 Curriculum for Boys | Classical Charlotte Mason Homeschool in Minnesota
3rd Grade Curriculum choices for our 2020-2021 School Year here at Wildwood Homeschool: A Classical Education with Charlotte Mason.
I will share what we use for
Group Time Enrichment with Poetry, Art + Music, History, Science, Read Alouds
Other things I can think of
These have worked well for our busy boys, an outdoorsy family, and keeping the Lord the center of our life as best as we can. Seeking truth, beauty and goodness is our goal in educating the kids to learn how to learn well. This particular third grader is eager, strong-willed, and independent. He wants to be an inventor when he grows up. Or a carpenter. He enjoys hunting, crafting works of wood, starting businesses, and earning money to save and give. He also likes playing sports and games.
Read, Pray, Bible Memory Verses, Hymn of the Month from Happy Hymnody
Group Time Enrichment with Poetry, Art + Music, History, Science, Read Alouds (WE LOOP THROUGH THIS, About one enrichment and one history or science thing a day, so each book about once per week)
Recitations and other memory work from Memoria Press 3rd Grade
Enrichment with MP Guide
Beautiful Feet Books Early American History for Primary Grades
Beautiful Feet Books Geography through Literature
Story of the World,Vol 2 + 3
Our Island Story (we stopped reading this in Dec)

Memoria Press Prima Latina (DVD teacher 1x a week, with a workbook and flashcards. We also have a pronunciation CD but haven't used that yet)
Teaching Textbooks 3 3.0 all online
Memoria Press Copybook Cursive
Copywork from Our 24 Family Ways
New American Cursive 2

Memoria Press 3rd Grade Literature
Read Alouds and Free Reads from AmblesideOnline Year 3
Other things I can think of
Nature Study + Journaling
Baking + Cooking
Letter Writing to friends
Exploring Outdoors with other homeschooling friends
Typing online for free at
Daily Chores with a small allowance; learning to save, spend, and give $.
Piano Lessons
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