Kindergarten 2020-2021 Curriculum | Classical Charlotte Mason Homeschool in Minnesota
Our 5 year old daughter (third born) will be starting Kindergarten this year. She is eager to work alongside her big brothers and often asks to do schoolwork. She has done more preschool workbooks and table work that the boys did, and continues to enjoy seated work, where her attention in focused and she is strengthening her pencil skills. She has her own roll of colored pencils and several workbooks that she has been working on, so we will just do the next thing for her. She won’t have much required of her, but I’m assuming she will continue to WANT to be with us for lessons. She will join us all for Bible time, and group lessons With enrichment, then she and I will work on her reading lessons and handwriting skills. This will fill her tank before I need to spend time working with the bigger boys on their lessons. When she is free to play, her and little Titus (3) will play house, dress-up, puzzles, puppies, horses, babies, games, or other worksheets and Activities like dry-erase.

I will share what we use for
Group Time Enrichment with Poetry, Art + Music, History, Science, Read Alouds
Other things I can think of
Kindergarten Curriculum choices:
Bible :
Read scripture, recite memory verse, Pray, Hymn of the month from Happy Hymnody
Group time
Enrichment, History, Science, Christian studies, read alouds, classical Music, art and poetry.
—Memoria Press recitation from Kindergarten Manual
—Memoria Press Enrichment Guide + art cards
—Story of the World Vol. 3
—Our Island Story
—Beautiful Feet Books Early American History guide and books
—Beautiful Feet Books Geography through Literature: Minn of the Mississippi
(She won't be required to do much here for history, just IF she's around, this is what we rotate through)

Reading and Phonics:
—First Start Reading Book A (to start) (or Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading, which I used with the boys, she just wants to do more handwriting than they did)
—Bob Books, Early Readers and flash cards of some sight words
—Letter Factory Movie

—First Start Reading
—Copywork from Our 24 Family Ways.
—Lessons with mom: skip counting, count to 100, writing numerals 0-20, recognizing place values, calendar
Other stuff I can think of:
Nature Study as a group, and Workbooks from Rod & Staff and Brainquest, some older VBS materials and lots of dry erase using worksheet pages in pockets. Cooking, Baking, Household helping, healthy habits and letter writing with friends. She enjoys handicrafts, exploring the outdoors with friends and we want to look for an opportunity to regularly serve our community and/or elderly this year.

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