Our little Cod-Man

Cody has continued to be a huge blessing to me and Tim everyday. We're so thankful that he has been healthy, and seems to be developing well. He actually has his two-month well-check doctor's visit with Dr. Jen on Thursday. I'm excited to see how much he's grown (in numbers)!

Here are some updates on the guy:
  • He smiles all the time, especially when you're smiling at him.
  • He likes to sleep in his pack-n-play (because that's his only option, haha) in our bedroom
  • He does a great job having some time on his belly everyday. Although, it sometimes isn't his favorite. 
  • He comes to work with me when I go (M, T, W, F) and we have Thursdays home together or we run errands :) He's good at being in the car & stores
  • Sometimes in the car on the way to/from work he gets fussy and just screams. This is SO hard for me... but I am getting better at dealing with it. It seems like when he gets mad, he's like REALLY mad. :( poor guy. But, I've only had to pull over twice I think. I definitely don't blame him: it's a 45 minute commute that even I don't like. 
  • He takes a bottle of breast milk about once a day, but sometimes we don't give one to him. He loves that special time with his dad, and the big meal being so easy for him! Other than that, I nurse between every 2-4 hours during the day, and maybe once (or not at all) at night.
  • He sleeps pretty much through the night now... (we all love this) so when he does wake up, it is rarely before 5:30am
  • We love to play with him! He's into singing, flying, talking gibberish (oooh, aaaah, coooo, goooo, bah!) laying on his back and just smiling around, and I think his favorite are shadow puppets on the wall. 
  • He's fast outgrowing size 1 diapers... but the 2s are huge on him!
  • He wears mostly 0-3 month clothes, some NB and like two outfits that are 3 month. 
  • Work is going well, but he's overly loved by Fin & Sel. The girls are obsessed with him. The poor kid is being torn apart (literally) and being shoved a Nuk all the time. Or, he's being monitored from just about 6 inches away at all times ;) It's cute, but they sure keep me on my toes. 

Hoodie from his Auntie Alicia

Chunky Thighs!

Start of his smile

cute cute cute

great neck and head control

mini Tim


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