Our Sienna... Yes, I drive it and LOVE it.

Well, in a bittersweet moment, I said good-bye to the Pathfinder (my sweat and blood-purchased SUV that brought me through college) when we sold it. What a blessing to have got what we needed out of it, and it sold within like two days of being on craigslist. Awesome! 
Adios, Cranberry (yah, I was never very good at naming cars

We bought... a van. I seriously, seriously NEVER thought I would say that. I mean never. But, I am officially a Minivan Mama, and loving it! The Toyota Sienna we bought isn't quite as fancy as the ones you've seen in the swagger wagon commercials, but so close ;) To top off how much Tim and I like the Sienna, the girls Love it! Fin calls it "the band" or the "band-car" and always requests it  for rides (she thinks I have a choice at this point). It's super cute, but Fin and Sel just love it. I think their favorite part is easy accessibility in which they can each climb up through the doors on their own.


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