6 Inches! And growing like a weed... Well, more like a tomato this week.

"Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato." --from babycenter.com

19 Weeks (in Winter Park). I feel great, and can't fit into my pants anymore unless they are unbuttoned and I've got a Belly Band on :)
I am feeling the kicks and squirms more and more each day. Tim can officially feel it, if he's checking at the right time, and it is just a wonderful feeling. We're blessed to be able to enjoy this part of pregnancy without complaint. I'm not sleeping much at nights, but am able to rest during the days I'm worn out when the girls are down, too. Our registry is up at Target.com, now. And, I've got my eyes peeled for the bigger items (from the Baby Things page here on my blog).  
We're constantly amazed at the Lord's provision for us... like the Sienna we were able to buy that is reliable and so "cool," even the D's girls LOVE IT. Fin asks, "Are we gonna ride in the band-car, Amy?" She likes the "band" (van) quite a bit! I think her and Sel like it mostly because they don't have to have me help them into it... they can climb up there all by themselves. Praise God for the good He is and does for us!


damon said…
You look adorable!--Lea

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