Valo Family

Alicia, holding Trenton!

Marta and Trenton blowing Kisses

Alicia and Marta

Susan and Grandpa

Like father, like son... Byron impersonating Grandpa's earlier face

Grandpa and the Valos

Amanda kissing Grandpa

Twins! and Alicia

Grandpa's Farewell to his beloved after 63 years of Marriage, 3 kids, 8 grandkids, two great-grandkids

"Amma Jane" and Anika

The Tangens


All Grandpa's Grandkids!

The Whole Family

Anika didn't want to be in a picture with Grandpa and Trent, but we snuck some anyway :)

"Come here, and get Pinkers!"


Gramma and Grampa


Like what you're seeing? Want to see more? 
and check out "Amy's Family" on my photostream.

The last goodbye


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