His Tabernacle
Tim and I recently joined a bible study/small group-gone large with mostly couples from our Sunday School class, III Strands. Currently, we're following the Old Testament "With All Your Heart" Ray Vander Laan study. So, last week, we went after Sinai, to the desert, where God called the Israelites to build him a tabernacle. This was really important to God. He gave them exact measurements, and a building plan. Even though they had a destination, God didn't allow the Israelites a quick journey. Instead, they spent a year in the desert, very close to the end of this "journey", wandering, building a tabernacle, and worshiping God in this new fashion: Coming into the space they created FOR HIM. After the whole Mount Sinai-trusting in God's faithfulness-shabang, these Israelites would have forgotten the experience of God's mighty power. So, this is partly why the Tabernacle was a tent for worship--they could move it along with them, and just build up their own little Mt. Sinai experience in the middle of the desert.
This is a totally real, but basically new concept to me. I am practicing the presence of God in Everything. In everything give thanks. Not when I am thinking about the things I like, or the times I am extra thoughtful... In Everything. No matter what. Give Thanks. So, How do I create space for God in my life, in EVERYTHING? I have space for Him in my devos, my reading time, my prayers, things like that, but how do I make Him in everything?
This is a totally real, but basically new concept to me. I am practicing the presence of God in Everything. In everything give thanks. Not when I am thinking about the things I like, or the times I am extra thoughtful... In Everything. No matter what. Give Thanks. So, How do I create space for God in my life, in EVERYTHING? I have space for Him in my devos, my reading time, my prayers, things like that, but how do I make Him in everything?
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