Meet Our New Girl Odile: German Wirehaired Pointer
Meet Maggie's new sister: Odile! She is a cuddly, shaggy, and very-much-like-Maggie's-personality German Wirehaired Pointer. We took her home today from a young guy who had rescued her as a 3 month old puppy, but just doesn't have the time or energy she needs and deserves for love and exercise. She had been with him for since September, and now she is just over a year. Her birthday was 6/25/09.
All in all, we really enjoyed this new day given to us from the Lord. We are blessed to have a new part of the family in this little one bedroom apartment. We are thankful that we have time to spend together on beautiful days, just talking and working on our marriage. We LOVE days like this, where we focus on loving each other through our activities.
Today we brought "the girls" to Banner Lakes (NE of Brighton) to swim and retrieve on such a HOT day. Maggie did great, as usual, and Odile just tried to copy her big sister's every move.
As you can see from this action shot... Odile has tons of spunk with her long & shaggy, wirey coat.
She LOVES to roll around on her back! She sticks her nose right to the ground, and digs it into the grass, dirt, sand... dead rat-like nasty animal thing... whatever she finds. It was almost gross, but 100% cute.
So far, Mag-dog really seems to get along fine with her. They haven't really played together yet, but they can definitely tolerate each others' presence. That's huge already! Plus, Cooper seems to like Odile quite a bit.
We enjoyed the sun, but did not enjoy the sand burs.
Water but not the splashes on us and the camera.
Fresh Air, not the stench of the Algae growing on the water surface.
The dogs, but not their soggy smell in the car on the way to Jon's.
Plants, but not the irritating flies and other bugs to go with them.
All in all, we really enjoyed this new day given to us from the Lord. We are blessed to have a new part of the family in this little one bedroom apartment. We are thankful that we have time to spend together on beautiful days, just talking and working on our marriage. We LOVE days like this, where we focus on loving each other through our activities.
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