Are you reading good books?

I wanted to share a resourceful article, written by Andrew Kern of the Circe Institute in 2013 entitled

From the Archive: That Shriveled Grind

In it, Kern reminds us that reading to our children is fundamental, but reading GOOD books to our children is what forms their minds with a liberal education. When we read of virtue, morals, and tell tales of heroes and the ways they've championed victories, our children are hearing them!

On the other hand, if we're only reading low-leverl readers from which the child can sound out a few phonetics and see sight words, what are they gaining? He argues that by beginning our kids in school, we are dumbing them down. They stop being read to when they're learning to read... This makes me so sad. As a book-lover, I can't imagine not knowing the places you can go in a book. Not visiting castles, moors, highlands and farmyards. I LOVE what he's saying.

When sending our children to Kindergarten, we shouldn't stop reading the good books so that they can learn to read. We should keep reading them, and we can see they can also use those small decoding readers for lessons, but the meat of their mind and heart is coming from good books.

Thoughts from me in a quick quiet time


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