Things I didn't think I would have to say to my children | Motherhood

This is a small list of recent quotes I want to remember. Well, I wish I didn't have to, but I want to now that they've been said.

"No, you can't sleep with the rolling pin."

"You don't have to pull your pants down to your ankles to pee. And, turn towards the woods instead of the road."

"Stop! You're not supposed to hang in your window. The screen won't hold you."

"Please don't pee where we walk."

"You can use the dental floss for a Lego zipline, but you can't swing on it! You're too heavy."

"Please! Do NOT pee off the deck through the rails. It's getting on the dog."

"When it starts to rain, don't crawl over your sister to shelter her. It's weird."

"Just pee into the toilet. Not to the wall (not in the trash, not on the seat, not on the floor, not at the bath...)"

So many of them are about peeing. Hmm.... Is this just my boys? I guess that makes me officially a parent of grossness. I'm a Mother of Boys. The MOB Society is my tribe, and now I feel so well-suited for it :)


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