It's a Girl! | Kastenbaby #3
Here I am at 39 weeks, two days before this sweet girl joined us.
Anna was born on June 10 in the early morning, after almost 7 hours of labor. Contractions started consistently but not very strong 30-60sec long, about 2-5 mins apart for almost three hours. Then, at the hospital, they really slowed down, and it was very relaxing, I took some little catnaps and wondered what was happening. Then they picked up intensity, and the Dr. broke my water. For about an hour, contractions we strong and painful, I was really uncomfortable with them. Baby was head-down, but facing up. So, Dr. had me turning over on both sides, and up on my knees and hands to try to get her to turn herself. She didn't, and after a little more difficult-than-the-boys of pushing thru maybe 3 contractions, we heard "It's a baby girl. You've got yourselves a girl!" :)
She was loud, and reminded us of Jesse a lot. The DeBoer features sticking out.
She cried and cried for quite a while while I held her.
She LOVED her bath
The boys were ear-to-ear grins of curiosity when they came to meet their baby sister.
Cody's been hoping for a girl!
Me with my mom and baby!
Father-Daughter chill time, waiting to go home.
Ready to go!
We are home and glad for it.
We are thrilled to welcome this sweet girl into our lives. Thank God for another great delivery, and a healthy babe. She weighed 8-5, and was 20 inches!
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