In the couch | motherhood
You know how moms, well, almost all women, have that secret power of finding things gone missing. No matter how awry things go, Tim knows he can ask where is...? and I am going to find it swifter than he. :) well this morning I was scrounging around, thinking "WHERE HAVE ALL THE NUKS GONE?" I've been using only one of about five pacifiers for Jesse the last week or so. It's not the best. I really like having a wee stash of them for the moments that I'm (he's) in a panic grimace or upheaval of tears. So, I decided- that's it. I have no more ideas of where the extra NUKS are. Then, I remembered : The Couch!!! I lifted out each cushion, collected the things I found, and left all the dust, crumbs, and hair.
I found two NUKS!
It wasn't really my super powers kicking in this time, but I still have hope. I'll find the rest!
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