Cody and the "poo" (Pool) | toddlerhood

How can I even write out some of the things Cody says? I dont know how to spell the goofy versions!   I love hearing it all so much I have a hard time correcting when he is off a little bit (or completely). I know he will outgrow it eventually, so I might as well let him say things different now while it lasts, because all to soon ill be watching him study new words for a school project and he will be writing essays, and it just isn't worth it. I want to hear the mixed up two-year-old version while he is two. It's all doog.

Poo- pool
Tuck- cut
Miaminness- vitamins
Chuck- truck
Nan- van
Doose- goose
Toss-ee - coffee
Chockate- chocolate
Shooweeal- cereal
Take- cake
Mushauw- marshmallow
Todee- Cody

Other funny things he says: 

Silly goose... "I'm not a goose, I'm a boy!"

With underwear on his head- "look mom! I'm a man!"

"Where I am, mom?" 

"Jesse Boy"

"Four's (Thor is) a knucklehead."  Thanks to his dad! 

"i wanna call ___ on da puner." Or "lets sype a (skyoe with) _____ otay!?" 

And look how he is starting to color and draw with such little characters now... So fine!      Lol!!! The eyes in black :) 

Love from a happy and grateful mama! 


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