I love this moment | ENJOYING the PRESENT

A precious moment...
I love this picture of Tim & Cody. More than that, I love this moment. They're just sitting in the same old (old) LaZboy that Tim remembers sitting in on Mike's lap. They're talking to each other, digging for reciepts and whatever else they can find in Tim's wallet. They just dink around like this for so long. Cody grunts some form of "talking" to his dad, and Tim just pipes back a funny-and-endearing mockery of the same sound. It is the sweetest. I stood and watched them for who knows how long. Just thanking God that these guys are in my life.

I've spent a lot of time waiting and wondering these past few months. We're really being forced to be patient with a few things in our life. That's okay, God is working in our lives at the same time. We're being challenged to walk more closely with Him and not seek to fulfill our needs without Him. We CAN'T. Tim and I are learning to Trust & Obey (for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey). Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I have made a commitment to BE PRESENT. Be more HERE. Be more just IN the MOMENT. I spend enough time worrying about what's going to happen. As one of my favorite authors writes,  I can't live in the land of if-only. What our life will look like if... What I should have done before. What already happened should have gone like...

It's too much to do, and I am distracting my heart from the fact that I have a Wonderful and Blessed LIFE here & NOW. I need to get with it! I need to enjoy it now.


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