
Showing posts from 2012

Our 16 month old Son in the Sun.

Winner! Dancing to the SOTA Boys

"Tim Hawkins - Being a Father - Hampton 2012

iso-äiti comes to town (iso-äiti is grandma in Finnish)

Hunting | 2012 : Ducks {2 men, 2 dogs, 1 canoe}

Cody brushing his teeth


Thanking God because I can VOTE TOMORROW

Spinach Garlic Cheese Rolls

Waterfowl Hunting 2012 | Geese

Snow Snow Snow!

Haha! I love Tim

CIM & Mokahum | Ministering with Natives

A video of Cody laughing at Ben, to make you smile.

Beautiful Fall Day

Shout out to my sister!

4th Anniversary Getaway to the North Shore